21 March 2007

Teacher, teacher!

Tonight I'm teaching at church from "This Holy Mystery", the study on Communion General Conference approved in 2004. The focus for tonight is the Great Thanksgiving in the Communion ritual.

Which is kind of ironic, because even though I am seminary-trained, I'm not actually allowed to celebrate the Great Thanksgiving. Won't be for quite awhile. But I guess I'm qualified enough to talk about it.

I applied for two more jobs today, both with agencies. I have not had good experiences with agencies in the past. Basically, they just end up interviewing me and I never hear from them again. But the two jobs were nearby and had very good salaries so I made an exception.

I got an email from one job today saying my resume had been forwarded to the hiring manager -- which is a good thing! That job would be a good job -- I have experience in the industry and if I got it my old bosses would faint knowing I was working there. I'd love it! Plus, it's a job with the opportunity for advancement. Keep your fingers crossed.

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